Blue Quill

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Man. has this day sucked. I won't go too deep into details, but it mostly involves a leaky toilet, and pouring hot soup on my hand. Oh well, at least SNL is giving me a bit of humor today, so I figured I'd do a quick write up and a few pictures.

This picture was originally to show off the "Poze'm" figure. ..then I decided to see how many of the other customizable toys I could get into the same pose. Anwyays, on to a quick writeup of the toy.

Released by a company called "PlayMind" the Poze'm figure has a plastic head, arms, waist and legs. The upper-torso and feet are made of Die-cast metal. It has all the common points of articulation where you'd expect them, but it also has semi-articulated hands. (thumb, index are seperate, and the is one piece.)

I found this guy at BigLots for $4.99, which isn't too bad for a figure that's 6 inches tall, with 32 points of articulation.

Next up on this round up is this little guy here.Cute huh?
Megablocks had recently cancelled their Nanoblocks line up, judging by all the clearance sales I've been seeing, but they Nanoblocks still live on, with these little guys there. It's called Pocket Blocks, they look like they all only have 25 pieces though. they can be found at Wal-Mart(haven't seen them any where else yet.) for 97 cents. Not too bad if you need a building fix.
The other sets in this lineup is an airliner jet, cruise ship, race car, helicopter, bulldozer and the train. They're all pretty cute, but a bit of a quick build. Well recommended.

Anywho, since it's still first of October over here, there's one last thing I must point out.
34 more days till my 23rd birthday, Whoo-hoo!



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