Gotta make a correction to the rant I made the other day about DVDs. Transformers Cybertron actually makes sense, now that I've looked around.
The reason for the lack of the first episode on the disc; Hasbro will be releasing Transformer Cybertron toys with a DVD pack-in containing the first episode, Fallen. Paramount is assuming the person that buys the toys, will likely buy the DVD and have no need for two copies of Fallen. As for the bonus episodes, I took a look at the VHS copy which only contains two episodes...which in the case of the DVD, those two episodes are indeed bonus. I'm unsure how the VHS releases will go...but you will have to buy less, if you follow the series on DVD.
The reason for the lack of the first episode on the disc; Hasbro will be releasing Transformer Cybertron toys with a DVD pack-in containing the first episode, Fallen. Paramount is assuming the person that buys the toys, will likely buy the DVD and have no need for two copies of Fallen. As for the bonus episodes, I took a look at the VHS copy which only contains two episodes...which in the case of the DVD, those two episodes are indeed bonus. I'm unsure how the VHS releases will go...but you will have to buy less, if you follow the series on DVD.
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